Serving Our Nation Guide

The “Serving Our Nation” Series

The Givat Sharett Chesed Committee Simcha Gemach is proud to distribute, free of charge, our “Serving Our Nation” guides, for young women and men who are embarking on their service for the State of Israel.

  • The Sherut Leumi Preparation Guide, for young adults entering Sherut Leumi (National Service), and for their parents.
  • The Army Preparation Guide, for young adults entering the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), and for their parents.

The guides provide detailed information and tips regarding the process of entering service, as well as items to purchase in advance of serving in Sherut Leumi or the IDF. They are must-reads, particularly for parents of first time or future Sherut Leumi/IDF participants, as well as for young adults who will be entering Sherut Leumi or the IDF.

For more information on how to obtain the free Sherut Leumi Guide or Army Preparation Guide contact:

Both guides are available in Hebrew and English. Please specify in your request the version of your choice.

Kol hakavod and hatzlacha raba be’ezrat Hashem to all families whose sons and/or daughters are “Serving our Nation.”